Over the next week or two we are doing it

Over the next week or two, we are definitely going to be hosting a great big fall football party here at our house.

We have been thinking about doing it for a while, but my husband keeps on putting it off.

I told him that if we are going to do it, then we are going to have to get some planning done. I do not ever like to plan something halfway. I don’t fly by the seat of my pants at all when it comes to things like that. I have to have a plan for the food, for the seating, and for everything else. I know that we are going to have to get our air conditioning system worked on before we have the party because ours is on the blink right now. The A/C system at our house just isn’t working correctly and even though it’s technically the fall, the weather isn’t cooling off outside yet. The weather has been really hot here all summer and that’s why I don’t think that we should have a party until the air conditioning system is fixed. I don’t want to have a party with a whole house full of people when the air quality in the house is not at its best. My husband thinks that we will be fine to have the party without getting the air conditioning fixed first, but I just really don’t think that that is a good idea. I think that we would all be really uncomfortable if we are packed into the house without a fully functioning air conditioning unit! I’m excited about the fact that it’s almost finally football season, but I don’t want to have issues with the A/C in my house when there are a bunch of people over for a party.
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