This Summer has Been Better When it Comes to Heating and Air Conditioning Costs

I’m liking the fact that we are finally in September.

That’s the same as turning the corner in a marathon and realizing that you’re particularly going to finish.

Our lovely HVAC is still jamming in our condo although I suppose that won’t be the case here in a few weeks. While the heat plus humidity are still pumping outside, I’m sure thankful to still be able to rely upon our heat pump for both the HVAC and the humidity balance, that’s one of the wonderful things about the HVAC process. The heat pump really reduces the moisture level well inside the house. So when you walk inside, you’re shedding the two most oppressive things about the summer. But one can run the risk of blowing the budget on the central a/c as well, and too much a/c can be exactly that, too much. There are plenty of people who easily lean into the temperature control plus go with over cooling the house. But that not only drains a bank account plus wastes resources, this approach winds up with people staying inside the a/c all summer. For me, I try to find a good middle ground when it comes to all that HVAC we need in the summer. First, I make sure that the heat pump gets the needed heating and cooling repair it needs to run at its most efficient. Then, I seal up the condo real tight plus pull the shades to mitigate direct sunshine heating. But ultimately, it’s all about making sure the temperature control setting is in an adequate spot. I try to be sure that the temperature control is never more than about 17 degrees cooler than the outside air.


cooling workman