Want an air purifier for my cooking

I have been looking into adding an air purification system in my kitchen.

  • I have a ductless mini split that is my kitchen heating and cooling unit.

It is really nice that my HVAC settings in the kitchen don’t affect the rest of the house. Typically I want to have the cooling system running the whole time I cook. I like to have the stove top burner on and the oven running. I also do a lot of chopping, cleaning and moving around in a very small space. I get where I am breaking a sweat and it is very warm. In the summer it is crucial to lower the thermostat and have heavy AC. In the wintertime I usually can forgo heating and save on the energy bills while increasing my comfort. The last touch is adding an air cleaner. I have the right temperature in the air, but my indoor air quality is quite stinky. If I used a central HVAC unit, the smell wouldn’t linger as bad. The HVAC would suck up those smells and they would get pushed room to room in the house. The whole house might smell a bit like cooking, but it would dissipate much quicker. Right now my kitchen is a smelly, greasy mess. I want an air purification system to clean the air of oils and smells. I don’t want the smell of frying onion, fish or vegetables to stay until the very next day. I haven’t found the right air purification plan for me though. Nothing seems to pair well with my ductless unit either.

HVAC service plan