What do you expect when you never change the air filters?

My sibling called me Last month and asked me if I would come over and look at her air conditioning unit.

If she was so desperate that she called me, I knew there was something seriously wrong with her air conditioning unit.

When I got to her house, she took me out to the air conditioning unit. She said she had been trying to remove the air filter, however it was stuck. First thing she did was try to fault either her wife or child for putting the air filter into the air conditioner the wrong way. That’s when I asked him how long it had been since they had changed the air filter. She said legitimately little, although she said had to change last year when she had the servicing done on the air conditioning unit. Since then, however, she had been hearing some bizarre noises coming from the A/C unit, and the airflow was not as strong as it once was. It took me nearly half an hour to pull that air filter out of the A/C unit. It was so blocked with dust that you could not even blow through it. The air conditioner had to be struggling to run with this kind of air clogging. I showed the air filter to my sibling and told him it had been at least several years since she changed that air filter. I asked him if she had really had the servicing done on the A/C unit, and she said she could not afford to have it done last year. I just shook my head and reminded him ‌I was an Heating and A/C worker. The only thing wrong with the air conditioning machine was that it needed a new fan unit.


Home comfort business