You need good hydration

Drinking water is a huge part of working out.

It is a wonderful idea to respectfully drink to lubricate the muscles, add more energy plus stop passing out.

I keep a cup of water on hand no matter what the work out is. When I go for a jog I use a camelbak. It is not the most comfortable or prettiest contraption but it sure is nice to have. The water pack straps to my back plus I can drink through a tube during my runs. Going without water for one hour to 1.5 hours is not possible for me. When I ride a bicycle I have a water bottle holder that is mounted onto my bike. The issue with that is the holder is between my legs. I constantly worry about tumbling over while trying to get to the bottle. I go around every 10 minutes plus then I take a quick drink. Drinking is also a great way to rest up in between. At home I like doing a tumbling based workout. Without water portions I would go and go until my muscles would fatigue and then quit. Getting a drink breaks allows me a moment to breathe and to think. I visualize what I am doing, correct form in my head and then I retry after being refreshed. I guess there are certain people who don’t drink that much water or don’t make it a priority. I constantly say for them to look at that sweat they are losing. That is water that needs to be put back in the body.

Personal trainer