A step in a new direction

I really thought it was pretty darn awesome when I read about our local heating and air conditioning company wanting to welcome and hire more female heating and cooling specialists on their team.

  • Most of the time all of the heating and air conditioning specialists you ever see are guys.

There are female heating and air conditioning specialists as well out there, but a lot of them have been independent heating and air conditioning contractors. Encouraging more female heat and a/c specialists to apply for work at heating and cooling companies is a step in a new and right direction these days. I was so glad to see our local heating and air conditioning company taking the lead in doing this. It is about time that female heating and air conditioning workers got the recognition they deserve the same as the guys do. A heating and air conditioning specialist is a heating and air conditioning specialist! If you are good then it should not matter if you are male or female or what race or color you may be. If you can work as a heating and air conditioning specialist and do a top quality job, that is what should matter at the end of the day. As a customer I always would like to ensure that I have the best heating and air conditioning workers working on my central heating and cooling unit. This ensures that the job gets done right the first time with no mistakes! Not to mention, the quicker the job is done the less it costs.

space heater