Checking on the furnace system

When my dad told me he had a surprise for me, I wasn’t sure what he meant, then he called me up one afternoon asking when I had a day off work, and dad wanted to know when I have about 3 nights off to travel somewhere with him, it sounded like one of those hasty road trips he liked to have when I was younger! So, when I got a few nights off, I drove home and we set off the next afternoon.

I had no clue where we were going, but the section looked quite remote, and then there were woods and dirt roads which led up to this fantastic small cabin.

Mom gifted me this charming property last year as an addition to my small investment portfolio and I was so blown away. So far, it’s been superb owning the house and last month I was checking the gas furnace system. Some friends had stayed there and told me there was an issue with the gas furnace. It seemed the gas furnace was emitting less heat and I wasn’t sure why this was happening. I didn’t want other folks to have the same experience, so I booked a heating and air conditioning expert to come and take a look. The guy was so superb and informed me the issue was the clogged air filter. Even in winter, it’s pressing to check plus change the air filter each month. If there’s any blockage, the gas furnace won’t emit the amount of heat needed in the cabin. Since this is a remote location, it would cost a fortune to have him come up each time to change the air filter. This is why he showed me how this is done.
