Cigars really stink

I really don’t like when I have to go to my uncle’s house for any holidays or gatherings.

Not because I do not like my uncle.

That’s not the case at all. It’s because he smokes cigars all of the time! His house really stinks and while others in my family can handle it, it really makes me feel sick. I need to always go outside every 15 minutes or so just to get out of the bad air quality that’s in the house. It is so bad, that not even something like a whole home air purification system would be able to clear the bad air quality! I always want to just go home from the second I arrive. In my home I have one of the whole home air purification systems as part of my central heating and air conditioning system. Every single time when I come home from my uncle’s house I always have to throw my clothes in the washer and crank my whole home air purification system. This is because the cigar smell and smoke get on my clothing and contaminates the indoor air quality of my own home! I am so glad I live alone and do not yet have a family. Because if I did I probably would not even want to subject them to my uncle’s disgusting habit and that really awful indoor air quality! There is going to come a time when i do have a family I am sure, and at that point I will no longer be able to visit my uncle for any family or holiday gatherings.
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