Didn’t know my air conditioner could cause health problems

When I was a child, my parents told me that you never stop learning, that you learn something everyday.

Of course as a child, I thought since my parents were adults, they knew everything, and they were just saying that to make me feel better, since I was confused about a lot of things in this big world.

Well anyways, I learned that when I turned 18, no I didn’t gain all of the world’s knowledge, and I was just as lost and confused as when I was a child. Even today, I find myself learning things that I didn’t know before, and it makes sense. Think of all of the topics in the world. History, science, math, linguistics, philosophy and so much more! Even when you take one of those subjects, like science, there are so many categories, like chemistry, biology and anatomy. Back to what I was saying, when I did finally move out of my parent’s home, I started having really bad allergies, or at least what I thought were allergies. I thought there was something in my home I was allergic to, but when I went to the doctor, they said I was in the clear. The doctor suggested I look at what kind of air filters I used. I was confused, HVAC filters? Why would that matter. My doctor told me if I don’t use a good A/C filter, my air could be dirty. He also recommended getting an air purifier. I took his advice, bought a whole home media air cleaner, and HEPA filters, and just like that, my symptoms went away.

heating service