Everybody needs good air purification to be healthy

I have to admit, things have been entirely lousy since the pandemic came around.

Everything has changed and it’s sad to see all the contractors that have shut down.

That entirely has impacted us heavily since the two of us depend a good deal on commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning repair contracts. Fortunately the two of us have been able to make it through this thing alive, but with tremendous struggle. It’s good to see that most people are going for the UV media air cleaners as that will keep people safer with better air quality. It honestly is a good way to stop the spread of germs and it’s something I consistently have spoken to people about. Anyway, our boss recently gave us an incentive to work harder. She said the two of us need to sell even more UV whole-house air purifiers and those of us who could make the most UV whole-house air purifier sales in the next week will win an all expense paid trip to the tropics! I truthfully couldn’t suppose what I was hearing because this is something that the two of us have never done before. I have consistently told people about how crucial having good air quality is, but suddenly I was entirely putting it on people, then not so much in an uncomfortable way, despite the fact that I had to point out to people how the two of us need to work hard to try to prevent the spread of sickness with respected air purification, and people honestly agree on that. That’s why it’s so easy to sell these media air cleaners as they basically sell themselves! I am entirely trying to win the top sales, but my friend Tony is right there with me and our sales are honestly close in number!


Air conditioning maintenance