I can’t remember to schedule appointments.

My husband is always accusing me of having early onset Alzheimer’s.

He doesn’t get it that I don’t deliberately forget to schedule appointments.

It doesn’t matter if the appointment is for the doctor, for an oil change at the garage, or to have the HVAC system inspected. I guess I don’t look at these appointments as being urgent. I know that they are routine checkups, and I don’t think about the fact that if they are not done, things can change quickly. I know that if my car were to run out of oil, I would need to replace the engine. I could get sick without my annual doctor’s appointments. I don’t consider that without the maintenance of my HVAC system, I could have some major breakdowns. I signed up for a maintenance and repair program that our HVAC company has. Over the next couple of years, I will receive reminders to make the appointment to have my HVAC maintenance done. It would be nice to be able to get these reminders for all of my appointments. I can only imagine just how nice that would be. I would be signing the agreements with every company I work with. I would never forget to go to the doctors, the garage, or call the HVAC company. I really hope the HVAC company makes the offer of a new maintenance agreement when this one ends. I know I’ll forget to renew it if they don’t, and that is something that I really need. I want to make sure I don’t end up with a furnace or air conditioning unit that doesn’t work.


HVAC home services