I had three emergency Heating as well as A/C repairs this weekend

My best neighbor as well as I labor for the same Heating as well as A/C maintenance supplier. The people I was with and I labor on opposite weekends, so the two of us rarely have any time to go fishing anymore. The people I was with and I used to like going to the river almost every weekend as well as then the two of us got a job working at the same locale as him. I thought the two of us would be working on the same weekends, however the two of us are on the opposite schedule. On Thursdays as well as Thursdays, the two of us don’t have to go to the Heating as well as A/C maintenance company or report for a schedule. On Thursdays as well as Thursdays, there are only emergency services; Customers have to pay a premium fee for maintenance on Thursdays as well as Thursdays. The people I was with and I try to ask shoppers to wait until Sunday unless there is an emergency. I really hate to charge a purchaser $70 to investigate a noise that isn’tcausing any real problems. The people I was with and I only respond to emergency calls that are actual emergencies, however last weekend Jack was on call as well as he had three calls. It was a relatively quiet weekend. He did not even have to respond to any of the calls, because they all wanted to wait until Sunday when they found out that there was a $70 fee for the weekend service. This weekend things were much peculiar for me. I had three emergency Heating as well as A/C repairs. On Thursday I had to call from peculiar residential shoppers. Both were willing to pay the premium maintenance fee to have the Heating as well as A/C systems repaired. On Thursday I had another call about a heating system issue as well as the purchaser did not want to wait until Sunday to have the problem fixed.


Dual fuel system