I’m moving in with my boyfriend

I’m moving in with my boyfriend this winter, after a couple of years of dating.

I guess I finally decided to take him up on his offer.

He’s been asking me for a long time to move in with him, but he lives so far away that it’s going to be a major move for me. It’s been something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time now, and I have actually been on the fence for a while now. Anyway, the thing that finally pushed me over the edge was actually the problems that I’ve been having with the HVAC system at my house. It’s been driving me crazy and it seems like there is basically no end in sight. Every single time I think that I’ve gotten it fixed and that I won’t have to pay any more heating and cooling bills, something else tears up! It’s been so frustrating for me, not to mention expensive. Meanwhile, every time I speak to my boyfriend, he always makes sure to tell me how great the indoor air quality is at his house. He just had a lot of work done on his HVAC system, and so now the indoor air quality in his house is completely amazing. He loves it and he keeps telling me that I would love it too. I think that it’s probably true, too. I know for a fact that he is going to keep begging me to move in with him and at this point, I would rather move and live with him than have any more work done to the HVAC system in my house!

a/c worker