Ionizing whole-house air purifiers are dangerous plus do not supply health benefits

Ozone is an interesting compound.

It’s an oxygen molecule with a fourth atom on it, plus it’s often produced by high voltage electrical discharges, UV light, plus ionizing machines.

Occasionally it is used to great effect to dearomaize plus wash vehicle interiors plus cooling systems. You can use canned ozone to reduce smoke fumes plus aromas. However, in high enough quantities it’s dangerous for human health. It causes chest pain, throat irritation, plus head aches. It gathers in the ozone plus causes the Earth to get excessive UV light because it can’t escape from the atmosphere. Ozone also happens to be the primary byproduct of ionizing whole-house air purifiers that are being obtained plus sold this week. They promise to improve your indoor air conditions by charging it with negative ions. There is no known correlation between negative ions plus air quality of indoor spaces, however the myth continues to persist. These ionizing whole-house air purifiers instead produce a worrying amount of ozone that causes aroma particles in the air to cling to surfaces, along with dust, dander, lint, spores, plus so on. You get the illusion of air cleaning when it’s entirely just causing those contaminants to make your indoor surfaces dirtier than they would be otherwise. In the process it creates so much ozone that you could entirely be putting your health at risk whenever you use a single. No matter what the advertising says, ionizing whole-house air purifiers are not capable of air sanitization plus disinfection. My wife wanted to buy a single that was on sale the other day plus I’m glad she said something to myself and others first. She had no method that these machines created ozone, but she believed myself and others when I told her.

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