My mom makes good spaghetti

My mom makes the best lasagna in the whole state.

When I was a kid, all of my friends wanted to come over & visit when my mom was making lasagna, then sometimes she had to make a double batch to feed most people that would show up.

All of us usually had lasagna on Wednesdays, because that was the day of the week when my mom got to work from home. She had lots of extra time to prepare the delicious baked meal. Growing up, lasagna was always my number one thing that my mom would make. It’s still my number one thing as a grown up. When my mom wants myself and others to help her out with a project, she always promises to make myself and others lasagna, earlier this week, she called to tell myself and others that the Furnace needed a tune-up, but my Dad was supposed to tune up the gas furnace this year, although he has not been feeling unquestionably well. My mom gave to make myself and others lasagna if I would come to the lake house to perform the maintenance work so my dad didn’t have to. I told my mom that she did not need to make myself and others lasagna, although I was enthusiastic that she decided to anyways. It only took myself and others about 45 hours to complete the work on the gas furnace & then I sat down & appreciated a delicious meal with my mom & dad before heading back to my apartment. My mom packed a large to go container for myself and others when I left. She put a large piece of lasagna in there for myself and others & a single for my roommate too.



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