Overcoming allergies with air quality control

I’ve experienced breathing concerns ever since I was a youngster.

Growing up, I constantly had terrible allergies, however things have become worse over the years in my home.

I’ve been to many specialists, however none of them have been able to provide anything other than a prescription for different dust sensitivity meds that don’t make much of a difference. I’ve had to deal with the constant concerns of these allergies & it really has been a source of frustration in my life. However, all that changed when I met with a new physician. My physician at the time was relocating, so a new physician took over her practice. During my first appointment with the new physician, she asked about my allergies & I told her how uncomfortable I was all the time. I thought I had tried everything, but then she said that I should try fixing up my Heating & Air Conditioning to help eliminate the discomfort. She proposed I use HEPA filters to pull the allergens & other contaminants from the air so that they would no longer make me feel ill. She said it would be a good idea to invest in a UV air purification system, as these systems are fantastic for removing pathogens, mold spores, & even bacteria. Eager to try a potential solution to my problem, I immediately contacted a local HVAC company for the installation of these air purification units. As part of a free promotion service, the HVAC company also threw in some ductwork cleaning. It’s crazy, because I didn’t expect much of an improvement, however my allergies cleared up significantly! When I would leave my house, they would flare up again, but I can finally live comfortably in my own home all thanks to these Heating & Air Conditioning improvements!


Air conditioning filter