The right air filter makes things better.

My husband was offered a new job with better pay.

The only big change was that we needed to relocate. I was having a problem with this because this meant that I also had to find a new doctor. My son has some pretty serious health issues. We need to make sure he has a doctor who can care for him properly. Most people would just drop into a doctor’s office and have their child seen, even if they didn’t know him. My son has a rare immune disorder that doesn’t make this possible. I would have to put him in a sterile suit. The immune disorder means that he needs to be in a sterile environment at all times. I talked to our insurance company and he gave me a list of doctors who were taking new patients. I wanted to call first and ask some questions of the doctors. I heard a gasp from one nurse when I asked about their HVAC system. Then another seemed to think this was an everyday question. When I asked about the HVAC system in the building, she was quick to answer. I knew that our health insurance company would only give me good doctors. They know how important it is for my son to have perfect HVAC. Any kind of dust, bacteria, or molds in the air, can send my son to the hospital and cause him to become deathly ill. The nurse assured me that they had a new HVAC system installed, only months ago. They had HEPA filters and there was a UV air filtration system. She also told me that the ductwork was cleaned every six months and all air filters were changed once a week.



a/c rep