All black clothes are a terrible choice for a warm sunny day

I obviously picked the wrong color of clothes this month when going outside.

  • It was a warm 92 degree day outside & I wore all black.

Unluckily, cooling relief seemed to be far away, & so I knew I was going to be stuck in the heat like this for a little while. I was stuck outside waiting in a long line to see a play. This play I have been so looking forward to seeing was here, and I was quite surprised to see multiple other people waiting in line. I arrived early to try to avoid the line, yet here I was. It really took about 45 minutes or so, however it might as well have been an eternity with the heat. My clothes were completely soaked with sweat, & I felt gross. Thankfully, once I managed to get into the theater, I felt the chilly sensation of ice freezing air touching my skin. They had their air conditioning on, & the entire theater felt great. I positioned myself right next to where an A/C vent was, & enjoyed the nice cool air. The play was fantastic, & I soon forgot all of my previous overheated worries. Once the play was complete, I went back out in the baking sun. However, this time, I could suddenly hop into my car, which also has A/C, & I drove home to my central Heating & A/C system. The drive home was fast & felt great, & I was blissful not to be out in the warm sun any longer.

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