I needed to open myself up to living again

I needed to stop wallowing in self pity and grief & open myself up off the ground.

However, it took myself and Max a great long while to realize that.

My life consisted of myself and Max sitting in front of the cable for endless hours. I could actually binge watch an entire cable show within a week. My addiction to watching TV was terrible, & I knew I was wasting my life away with it. I started visiting my friends & my family less, & getting out less, & seeing cable more. The comfort of my home only made my situation worse. You see, I have a great temperature control unit that keeps my lakeside house at a nice cool 74 degrees. The air conditioning works so well & it is highly efficient, so I never really worry about costs either. With great food, nice A/C & the TV, I thought that was all I required. But as time grew on, I felt dissatisfied with how my life was turning out, so I decided to reduce the amount of time to watch TV, & I failed multiple times. I wanted to get a job that would take so much of my time, I wouldn’t know like seeing TV. I became a professional Heating & A/C specialist, & I worked overtime at almost every opportunity. My boss loved me, & I had unquestionably little time to watch TV. After that I found my addiction slowly fading. Now I only watch a few minutes of cable a day, & being a professional Heating & A/C worker has made myself and others much happier & gratified with my life.


Air conditioning expert