I Feel Guilty

I like to have my HVAC system serviced twice per year, but sometimes life gets too busy and I forget to schedule my tune ups on time.

I wish I was that person who had their furnace and air conditioner tuned before the start of each season, but no matter what I do, I can’t seem to be that person.

I start off with the best intentions, but then one thing leads to another and before I know it, I’m turning on my furnace at the beginning of winter without an HVAC professional looking at it. I know that I shouldn’t do this because there can be problems hidden within my HVAC system that I can’t see, but I get desperate. By the time the weather is cool enough for me to need my furnace, the HVAC company is slammed with other furnace tune ups and the waitlist is at least two weeks long. Despite my best intentions, I am always the person running their furnace or air conditioner well before it gets serviced and praying that nothing goes wrong before an HVAC professional can see it. I’ve had a few close encounters with a dysfunctional HVAC system, but nothing beyond repair. However, I’m worried that one of these days I’m going to neglect my HVAC system for too long and I’m going to cause serious damage. I wish there was a way for me to remember my HVAC system before it was too late. I always feel so guilty.


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