I have a neighbor who doesn’t use a heating device

I have a neighbor that literally doesn’t even own a gas heating device.

I honestly have no idea how she even survives separate from a gas furnace.

I used to live in the apartment that she is living in. The apartment that she is living in is incredibly draft, as well as it didn’t stay toasty unquestionably well. Due to this fact, it always needed a heating device running in order to make sure that all of the pipes didn’t freeze. I spent a small fortune trying to heat that apartment because of how frosty it could get in that particular building. When I moved out as well as my neighbor moved in, I offered to sell her the heating device that I had been using, although she told me that she did not want to use it. I had purchased this propane heating device recognizably for this place, as well as I didn’t need it. However, she told me that she wouldn’t need a gas heating device. While I didn’t try to sell her the heating device anymore, I figured that she was bluffing about it. I figured that she would eventually cave as well as choose to buy a new gas furnace, but unluckily, I learned that I was incorrect. She has been living in the apartment for approximately a year, as well as she still doesn’t even own a gas furnace. I guess that she technically has a space oil furnace in the place, even though I think that she doesn’t unquestionably use the space heater. She likes frosty temperatures. I thought that she liked feeling cold, however apparently, she never really feels cold. She said that she would unquestionably feel too overheated if she had an actual gas heating device. I have never heard of anything like this before, even though I guess that she can do what she pleases.
gas heater