I’m glad my HVAC was not damaged

I wasn’t doing much on Saturday, I was kind of bored actually.

  • Usually on Saturday it’s family night, so I go bowling with my family.

But my parents are busy trying to sell their home to potential buyers, and it just wouldn’t feel right bowling without them. So now I am left alone in my home, without much to do. I guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t have much to do today, because I noticed an oddity with my air conditioner. I don’t usually pay attention to my HVAC system, it’s just a cooling breeze in the background for me. But while I was sitting on my couch, trying to figure out how to spend my day, I kept hearing the familiar click of my A/C turn on, and then off again a few minutes, and then on again. This was very unusual, because the cooling device never keeps turning itself on and off. I started to get a little bit worried, and started considering reasons why my HVAC unit might do this. Then I started thinking about the air filters, and realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I changed the filter! I immediately hopped up and grabbed a new fresh filter and changed it. When I took out the old filter, it was covered in hair, lint and other stuff. Literally clumps fell off of it when I took it out, and this thing was in my air conditioner for who knows how long! Afterwards, my air conditioning device was back to normal. I’m so glad it wasn’t damaged from the clogged filter.

More info here