Today is the Perfect Temperature out and I am Comfy in my Flat

Today is one of those days where it is not hot or cold outside, it’s just perfect out and I have my windows open and I don’t need to use my air conditioning or heating.

I do have an air purifier that I run a lot, but when the windows are open I don’t like to run it because it will just clog it up very fast.

And it is not windy today so there is no pollen or dust blowing around, so it should be okay today to have the windows open all day. I normally have the windows closed with the air conditioning on but now it’s much cooler, as tomorrow is November 1st and we finally turned the corner from the hot weather. I think it will be a few months until I need the heating because we don’t get really cold weather until like January or February, I think. And even when it’s cold, it’s not that cold, so I really don’t need to run the heating too much in the house. In fact, I normally just use my little heater and drag it around from room to room wherever I’m at, when it’s cold out. Today I plan on working for a few hours and then I’m going to go outside and maybe go to the park with my friend and have a picnic, or I may go to the beach and play some volleyball if I feel inclined to do so. A lot of the local businesses are closed today so I cannot get that HVAC filter that I need for my main unit until tomorrow.



dual fuel system